Before Applying for a Credit Card, Consider These Key Points

Credit cards are a convenient financial tool to manage expenses. There are several options available in the market, but choosing the right one amongst them is crucial. When you are going for a credit card application, knowing a few points can be beneficial. 

Points to Be Checked Before Applying for a Credit Card:

Card users must be clear on their intention behind using a credit card, whether for personal use or to make business related transactions. Business credit cards and personal credit cards may be separate products, but what card users lookout for remains the same.

Credit Limit

The first point to check is the credit limit. it is the amount up to which you can make purchases with your credit card. Check whether this amount if it aligns with your financial planning. A low credit limit and high usage will increase your credit utilisation ratio, leading to troubles.

Interest free-period

The period for which the lenders do not charge you any interest rate is known as the interest-free period. This usually ranges from 30 to 50 days, so you need to check this and find a credit card provider that is offering th
e highest interest-free period.


Credit cards are not just meant for regular transactions. You also get various cashbacks and reward points with payments. The best credit cards offer rewards that enhance your user experience. This includes reward points that you earn with each transaction and then redeem them for better deals. Getting a credit card that offers rewards that serves your purpose is always beneficial.

Apart from these, you must check the additional charges, terms of use, billing cycle, etc., before applying for a credit card. The key emphasis here lies in analysing and comparing different credit card providers so you can understand which would be the most beneficial for you. If you are looking for quick approval on business credit card, you can apply through ICICI InstaBiz.


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