All About Fixed Deposits: Features, Benefits, and Eligibility Criteria

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A fixed deposit is a savings account where you put your money for an agreed number of months or years in return for guaranteed interest. Suppose you deposit Rs 5 crore with a bank for five years under an agreement that 8% interest is added to the principal amount annually. 

A fixed deposit is an agreement between a customer and the financial institution where you cannot withdraw the principal amount for a period when accrued interest is tangible later.

Fixed deposit is also known as a term on deposit or time deposit because the deposited fund is for an agreed number of years. Per the depositor's desire, this term can be anything from 2 to 5 or 10 years. Shortened terms are possible if all parties agree to it. This manner of saving money comes with several features, benefits, and eligibility criteria.

Features of Fixed Deposit Accounts

Here are some of the features of a fixed deposit account:

• The deposit is frozen in the account for the agreed number of months or years.

• Most banks do not allow customers to withdraw from the account until the agreed number of years expires. A few banks do but at a fee to the customer.

• A fixed percentage of interest rate is applied to the account every month, quarterly, or annually.

• The interest rate is usually higher than that for a regular savings account, and the interest remains fixed regardless of market fluctuations.

• You can deposit as much money as you want into your FD account. You can withdraw the fund when the term expires or renew the fixed deposit account for more years.

Benefits of Fixed Deposit Accounts

FD accounts come with lots of advantages. Some of them are:

Guaranteed Investment Returns - You can easily calculate the total amount you will collect after the agreed term expires. Your investment is safe and protected against any market forces.

Renew for Compound Interest - You can negotiate to renew your fixed deposit for more years after the initial expiration. With this, you can negotiate for compound interest on your investment, generated on your principal amount and another on the accumulated interest.

Access Your Fund - Although never advisable, you can withdraw from your fixed deposit if your financial institution allows it. The only downside is that withdrawing from your account before the due date will attract high fees.

Get A Loan On Your Fixed Deposit - If you ever need money, you can withdraw from your fund or take out a loan on the deposit. The FD will run its course without any impacts, and at maturity, you can use part of it to liquidate your loan.

Eligibility Criteria for Fixed Deposit Accounts

The eligibility criteria for operating a fixed deposit account are as follows: 

• Open an FD account online or offline by filling out a form at a banking hall.

• Ensure you provide documents such as a PAN card, government-issued ID, passport photograph, proof of residence, and any other verifications required by the ICICI Bank.

• You must be 18 and above, a resident of India, paid employee or businessman or a retiree.

If you want to open a fixed deposit account to invest your money, you may speak with an ICICI Bank representative for more guidance.


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